The Jerry Jones Direct Radio Show

Episode #91 - Taking the Leap to an In-House Dental Membership “Plan,” Club, Program or Membership – From the perspective of an M.D.

Jerry A. Jones

If you think dentists have it rough when it comes to PPOs “owning” your practice from a financial standpoint…and if you question who you are working for sometimes (PPOs?), then this episode of the Jerry Jones Direct Radio Show is for you!

The reality is this: Independent physicians are 95% insurance-driven. He who controls the purse strings owns the process. And, in the PPO-Dentist relationship, that most often is going to be the PPO. Your leverage is minimal and worse, your patients believe the PPOs have their best interest in mind. Unfortunately, they do not. By definition, they are in business to make a profit and so profit becomes their primary motivation. Let’s not kid each other. You are not their primary interest. YOUR patient is not their primary interest. They are their primary interest.

To grab a different and sobering perspective about shedding the shackles of PPOs, I recently corralled my personal physician, Matt Bain, MD, of Albany, Oregon, to discuss the benefits of an in-office membership program – one that does NOT consider PPOs, HMOs, Medicare or Medicaid. 

If you’ve considered or have added an in-office membership type program to your practice (I created one of the first ones over 15 years ago for my own dental office – knowing that uninsured patients would flock to it and they did), or you’re curious how it works, are maybe even tepid about it or scared to death what it might do to your practice, this podcast will be a major help in overcoming the internal objections, the process, the pathway, and much more.

Matt and I spend over an hour diving in – he reveals his concerns about in-house programs, his decision making process (INVALUBLE) used to integrate the program in a medical practice (which scares the living daylights out of most physicians due to the unknowns and uncertainty), how he determined the cost of the program (HINT: You have to know your cost/procedure in your practice and 99.9% of dentists do NOT know the cost to deliver a given procedure in their practice, and that is something you MUST be armed with before integrating such a program) and much more.

This episode will give you a new and far superior way to evaluate the pros and cons for your unique practice to help you determine if this is a model you should consider.

From my perspective, it’s a no-brainer and for 15 years, we had patients that loved it. Odds are, you will too.

 If you are interested in learning more about integrating a program like this in our practice, reach out to me – you can contact me through my website: or, just call my office for fastest service and ask for me: 503-339-6000.

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